Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome to 4th Quarter Astronomy

Things to do this week:

Get a twitter account. Seriously, you need it. Expect 2-3 quizzes per week using twitter

Get a blog by going to and following the directions. Your blog is your personal diary of what is happening in the class.

Put my contacts into your phone: follow mapowell (twitter) email: marciarpowellATgmailDOTcom phone 6081900

Our first links:

Astronomy aGOGO
Space Weather

Friday, March 19, 2010

Final Assessment

Thank you for taking my class. I have enjoyed working with you, and it is the hope that you leave this class with a sense of wonder.

Click Here

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Watch the video segments found at as a class on the video projector.

As you do that, you need to answer the following Questions

After Segment 1:

What is the difference between the steady state theory and the big bang theory?
What did Robert Wilson and Arnio Penzias do?
How did Robert Wilson feel when compared to Einstein?
What do we call the radiation they discovered?

After Segment 2:

What is COBE and what does it study?

After Segment 3:

How is CBI different than WMAP?
What problems did the astronomers have with the equipment?
What successes did they have?

After Segment 4:

What will happen to the blotchy dense microwave parts shown in the videos?

After Segment 5:

Why can't you make an element higher than iron in a star?
How do we get the elements that are heavier than that one?
Why do we say humans are made of stardust?

After Segment 6:

How do light waves tell us about the properties of elements?
Is their life out there?

When you get done, you need to hand in the answers to your questions, and go to the Origins website to take a look at the Drake equation and the Alien arguments that are pro and con. You will be asked to defend your ideas on life in the universe later.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dark Energy

Hubble Deep Field

Go to the Hubble Galaxy Hunt activity. Take the time you need to explore, but when you are done, I need you to write a 3-4 paragraph reflection on your impressions, including data, statistics, and size factors. Do this on your blog. I will know it is the right post because I want you to link the image that is found here as a picture on your blog.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What is out there?

Today you will be going to SDSS, the biggest astronomy database in the world!  Your goals:  learn about the technology, the project, and a scavenger hunt.

Start HERE

Doppler Effect, and it's importance for light

Interactive testing

NOVA applet