Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 15: Quiz over Unit 1, Research

Today our task is to compare our Earth to other items in the solar system. I'm talking specifics.

You and a partner must pick three of the following:

Compare the Earth to these three chosen items and create a table that highlights

  1. evidence of plate tectonics
  2. evidence of water
  3. evidence of weathering
  4. evidence of an atmosphere or weather systems
  5. evidence of carbon or nitrogen compounds.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 11: The Moon and the The Review

Moon Dance (watch this as a class)

Hand in the Moon Sheets from yesterday, please.

Review (I would suggest you save this as a copy  to your google docs, and then you can edit it.)

Understanding the Moon

Please read about the Moon/Galileo.  Summarize in 4 points

Now, use the Reading that accompanies the applet to go through the following

Applet 1 (click 1, 3, 5, and 6).  Move the moon position slider through all the phases of the moon.   View all the phases from the overhead and earth position.

Applet 2   and Applet 3  Complete pages 1-3, 7, 8 of this handout

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Galileo's Dialogue

is the story of Galileo's dialogue.  This is  a pivotal moment in the story of science and religion interactions.

  • How do church/religion and politics interact in our modern world?   What was the difference in Galileo's world and why do you think it mattered?  Where did science fit into that section.
  • How does Galileo influence the people of his day by his inventions and his writings and his observations.
  • What is heresy and why was a sun-centered solar system considered a problem?
  • Could this happen today in a political or church environment

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cultural Astronomy (Groups of 2 or 3)

You are going to explore the lives of some famous astronomers.   You will have ONE day to do this, so think carefully about your goals and how you divide and conquer.   The project is due at the beginning of class on Thursday.

You must find the following:
  • are they heliocentric or geocentric?
  • when is the time period in which they lived?
  • was politics, religion, or science their realm of work?
  • who paid for their work as astronomers?
  • did they have access to telescopes?
  • why do they matter?

First, check the book and summarize, including the page #. Then, confirm it with a web reference, and find a picture. Finally, create a Linoit or Google presentation that compares the similarities and differences of the astronomers.

You must include all the astronomers marked with a *, plus 2 others in your presentation, for a total of 8.

  1. Aristotle
  2. Galileo*
  3. Hipparchus
  4. Eratosthenes
  5. Tycho Brahe*
  6. Pope Gregory*
  7. Copernicus*
  8. Kepler*
  9. Newton*
  10. Ptolemy
  11. Einstein
  12. Hawking
  13. Annie Cannon
  14. Van Allen