Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Moon

Use the pictures given in class and and locate the following:

  • each of the Apollo missions
  • the tallest volcano on the moon
  • the location of the LCROSS mission
  • five details, including the landing, for Apollo 13

Take a look at the timeline    Research one mission that is not an Apollo landing.

Answer the question:  why do we keep sending missions out to a satellite with no atmosphere?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sign up for Wiggio, please

Wiggio group

Please your email and cell phone in the options.   Thank you.   This information will be deleted at the end of the class.

Astronomy Views at Different Latitudes

Take a look at these three sky maps. One is for a viewer in the north hemisphere, one is for a viewer in the south hemisphere, and one is for a viewer at the equator of our planet. List 5 commonalities, and 5 differences among those. Please print out one copy of the north latitutde skymap for use on Wednesday

Friday, March 18, 2011

Space is dangerous--a Russian culture story


Science and culture in the lives of astronomers.

You are going to explore the lives of some famous astronomers.   First, check the book.   Then, confirm it with a web reference, and find a picture.  Finally, create a presentation of some type and email the link or the file at

The astronomers include

  • Aristotle
  • Galileo
  • Hipparchus
  • Eratosthenes
  • Tycho Brahe
  • Pope Gregory
  • Newton
  • Ptolemy
  • Einstein
  • Hawking

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Science, Religion, and Pseudoscience

Chunk the reading found at into everyone at your table is reading 4 to 5 paragraphs. When you get done, use a whiteboard to discuss the following questions:

a) what is science?
b) what is religion?
c) what is the theory of non-overlapping magisterium?
d) what would we call the overlap of science and religion?
e) which of the three ideas (science, pseudoscience, religion) were shown by the first astronomers?
f) can atheism be a religion?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are We Alone? An Individual Reflectionions

Your turn: Use the resources above to support your position on being PRO or AGAINST the possibility of alien life. You must include at least 5 pieces of evidence in your arguments.

Paragraphs 1-2: Your position, and your Evidence.
Paragraph 3-4: Implications for Human Beings

If you choose PRO on the possibility of alien life, you are telling me that you believe life exists outside of your own planet. Answer these questions, in paragraphs 3 and 4?

  • Would the governments tell us if there were aliens? Why or why not? Is this a problem for science?
  • Should we be sending out signals, like those of the Voyager, to advertise our existence?
  • Given the constraints of the Drake equation, how likely is it we will here another civilization's signal?
  • Since space is dangerous, how likely is it that aliens will be traveling long distances?
  • How do you define 'life' or 'aliens'

If you choose CON on the possibility of alien life, you are telling me that you do not believe life exists outside of your own planet. Answer these questions, in paragraphs 3 and 4?

  • Are there other benefits to SETI than finding aliens, or should the program be shut down?
  • Why do so many people claim to have seen UFOs? Do you buy the lenticular cloud argument? What about the Foo Fighters?
  • Since no other aliens have ever been announced, is the Drake equation even science? Or is it just opinion packaged as science?
  • If there are no aliens, why is the universe so darn big??
  • How do you define 'life' or 'aliens'?

Poster on Science vs. Religion

Today, you (individually or with ONE other partner) will make a poster that contrasts 2 religious beliefs and a science belief about the beginning of the world. As we have said all semester, science and religion mixing can make the questions we ask more and more unclear. I am not asking you to choose which is "right" and which is "wrong" here, I am simply asking you to contrast the ideas using two of the passages below. If you use the picture at the right, pay careful attention to the timeline.

Universe SCIENCE data:

Universe RELIGION data:

When you are done, on the back of the poster, please explain to me how well you believe the science and religion shown in these examples mesh?? Give three details to support your viewpoint.

Grading Rubric

Student includes at least 5 details about the Big Bang (1-5)
Student compares these details to a religious story (1-5)
Student compares these details to another religious story (1-5)
Student poster is effective, using an attractive visual layout (1-5)
Student paragraph of support is included, with three supporting pieces of evidence (1-9)

Hubble Deep Field

Go to the Hubble Galaxy Hunt activity. Take the time you need to explore, but when you are done, I need you to write a 3-4 paragraph reflection on your impressions, including data, statistics, and size factors.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gravitational Lensing and Einstein

Einstein quiz

Special Relativity

The background

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Tutorial 3

Tutorial 4

Tutorial 5

Tutorial 6

Tutorial 7

GO through each tutorial and then summarize in one or two paragraphs.

Each of these tutorials focuses on a specific concept.  When you get done, you should be able to explain
*the twin paradox
*length dilation
*time dilation
*special relativity

Hand in the seven paragraphs and the definitions INDIVIDUALLY when you are finished.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lab: Exploring the Universe using SDSS

Today, you will be looking through data as you hunt for items for a scavenger hunt.  Your data sheet is here, based on the activity found at SDSS

Red Shift

Click here

Another view of the idea of Doppler shift is shown here

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Classify Galaxies

Try to classify 50 galaxies, breaking them into 3 categories: Spiral, Circular, and WEIRD (irregular)

What did we notice about the galaxies we classified in the work time provided?

Now, for some guided notes

How are galaxies classified?
What types are most common?
Who is Hubble and why does he matter?
Why do galaxies tell us?
How do galaxies form?