This lab may be done individually or with ONE partner.
Use a star catalogue or Stellarium to identify the names of all the stars in ONE of the following constellations: Bootes, Leo, Lyra, Sagittarius, Scorpio, or Aquila. Also identify the distances to the nearest Light year.
Using cardboard and the tinfoil/string method, or the stick and jelly bean method shown in the 5th PPT for the constellation Orion, make a 3D model of the night sky. Attach your answers to the following questions to the model
1.The table of stars:
Name of star |Distance in LY| Magnitude (absolute)| Magnitude (relative) | Spectral Type (O, B, A, F, G, K, M, or L)| Parallax
2. The legend of the constellation
3. When I can see this constellation in the Northern Hemisphere (i.e., Iowa)
This 3D model takes a while, so you have until 1/25/2011 to complete it.
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