Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Class Questions for Discussion, 8/23

Sometime during today's class period, you need to sign in with your GMAIL address, and comment on one of these questions below

Why is the Earth's axis not fixed?
Why was Ophiucus picked to be left out?
Why is your constellation hidden on your birthday?
How did they start measuring light years?
How may people actually go by astrology
Is Ophiucus no a zodiac sign?
What is Nadir?
Why is when your born more important then when you are created?
What is the Celestial Sphere?
How do you measure a light year?
What is a Zenith?
What solar system is the sun a part of?
Why do people try and find shape in the stars?


  1. What is nadir?: The lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization.

  2. What is the Celestial Sphere?

    The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere of gigantic radius with the earth located at its center.

  3. A zenith is the point directly above your head. it is different for every person.

  4. How do you measure a light year? A light year is the distance that light can travel in a year

  5. The Earth spins on its axis because of conservation of angular momentum. (Overall state of a system)

  6. How do you measure a light year?
    A: a light year is measured by using the speed of light in one year

  7. Why is the Earth's axis not fixed?
    -Its not fixed because the earth has to rotate
    Why was Ophiucus picked to be left out?
    - Because right now we have 12 months and 12 signs and if we added another one it wouldn't balance with the number of months.
    Why is your constellation hidden on your birthday?
    -because the sun is in front of the constellation on your birthday.
    How did they start measuring light years?
    -they look at the electromagnetic waves as they travel and depending on the length of the wave length decides how far away an object is. the more shifted the light is the farther away it is.
    How may people actually go by astrology?
    -Because it becomes a religion for them and they focus on their horoscopes for something to believe in and answer their "why things are" questions
    Is Ophiucus not a zodiac sign?
    -No, its not part of the horoscopes
    What is Nadir?
    -the point on a celestial sphere directly below observer
    Why is when your born more important then when you are created?
    What is the Celestial Sphere?
    -imaginary rotating sphere of gigantic radius
    How do you measure a light year?
    -question answered above...
    What is a Zenith?
    -highest point reached by celestial or other point

    Hannah and Rayne.. EC?!

  8. What is the Celestial Sphere?
    The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere of gigantic radius with the earth located at its center.

  9. Is Ophiucus no a zodiac sign?
    Yes, it is.

  10. What is the zenith?

    The point in the sky that is directly above the observer.

  11. How do you measure a light year? A light year is the distance a particle traveling at the speed of light can travel in one year.

  12. What Solar System is the sun apart of?

    The sun is a star. A glowing gas at the heart of our solar system.

    Why do people try and find shape in the stars?

    Star Shapes are called Constellations. It helps students learn more about the stars and figure out where they are in the sky. Constellations don't really have any meaning they are just for fun.

    What is Nadir?

    The point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imaginary sphere

  13. why is your constellation hidden on your birthday?
    A: Because the sun is blocking it out.
    This is the real trey
