Thursday, May 16, 2013

Build you own Museum BM

To complete your unit on space, create a series(4-8)  of museum exhibits that occupy a space that is 6 x 8 sq ft.  The exhibits must contain some interactivity (like a game or a quiz or matching) and be of high quality.  A digital walk-through must be completed by 5/24 and uploaded to Youtube/shared with me.

Exhibit 1:  How BIG is space?  Include a comparison to other known objects in the solar system or the universe.

Exhibit 2:  What should we know about a particular star or stars in general?

Exhibit 3:  What really matters about our Sun to people here on Earth, and what do we do to study it?  Yes, I know there are lots of things, so pick one and make it meaningful.

Exhibit 4:  Why are people  like Newton, Galileo, Einstein, Annie Cannon or others so important?

Exhibit 5:  How big is this place we call the Universe and what implications does that have?

Exhibit 6:  Pick something strange about the universe (Big Bang, quasars, gravitational lensing, black holes,etc.) and study it.
Exhibit 7:  Study an ancient civilization and how they observed astronomy.  The Mayans, Peruvians, Egyptians, Stonehenge Celtics,  others all had physical models they created.
Exhibit 8:  Explain the difference between science, religion, observation, pseudoscience, theory, and philosophy and why it matters to astronomy.

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