Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Research

We'll be starting the second unit, which is gaining an understanding of how our solar system formed, how big it is, and the characteristics we notice.   It's this observation that leads to science.  

STEP 1:  Notes, and a table for the Rocky planets, the Gas planets, the moons, and the bits and pieces.  Compare and contrast as you go through this slide session.

STEP 2:  Write 5 questions to which you do not know the answer about planets

STEP 3:  Find out about the core,surface, and atmosphere of each the planets by making a second table.

Go here or 

Go  Nine Planets

Or use the books in the room.  

STEP 4:   Summarize

What is the time it takes for a planet to spin on its axis?

What is the time it takes for a planet to rotate around the sun?
How do the movements of the moons compare to those of the planets? 
Are there patterns in the materials that make up each of the planets, or are they random? 
What about the climate on the planets?
Is water found on each planet?

I'm sure there are more questions we will think of as we do this, but this is our starting point.

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