Friday, March 14, 2014

Wrapup: The Big Ideas on Friday and Monday

There is so, soo much to learn about astronomy, and we've only had a 9 week slice.  Even so, there are some big ideas you should take with you.

Step 1:
For each of the BIG IDEAS, one link is listed.  You must find two others for each.

(Finding 10 links--10 points)

Step 2:  
You must provide a list of works cited, and a one to three sentence summary of each one.  
You must list the Title of the Page, as well as a URL. 

(Summary of 15 links--75 points)

 NOTE:  Google is not a reasonable citation.

Step 3:  Create a prezi, a video journal, a podcast, or a series of toons or memes to tell me about these big ideas.  Make a CLAIM, support it with information(EVIDENCE) from the websites you reviewed, and tell me why the concept matters (REASONING)

(Personal reflection Scoring)
  • mentions each of the five points (5 points)
  • gives a solid Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning for each of the five points (30 points)
  • turns in a digital product that includes personal identifier and tells me why astronomy matters in a reasonable way (10)

TOTAL PROJECT:  140 points

Big Idea 1:   Space is HONKING BIG. 

Big Idea 2:  Despite the idea of NOMA (Stephen Jay Gould), science, religion, and politics overlap on regular occasions.  This causes problems with pseudoscience and a lack of scientific literacy.

Big Idea 3:  The money spent on NASA, telescopes, and monitoring equipment has benefits to human beings that include technology advances, protection, and civilian use.

Big Idea 4:  The ideas of many individuals, including Einstein, have a big impact on our understanding of features in the universe and the Big Bang 

Big Idea 5:  Light is our primary tool for observing the universe, and scientists have developed multiple ways to utilize this.

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