Monday, April 7, 2014

Our Moon---and Galileo

Part 1:  Hot off the presses, a new study provides compelling evidence for Lunar formation and other water in the solar system

Please summarize each of these articles into 4 to 6 sentences.  You may work with a partner, but you hand it in individually.

Part 2

Galileo and the Moons of Jupiter

Galileo became a heliocentrist largely due to his observations about Jupiter's 4 biggest moons:  Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.  Using his telescope, he observed these moons and their patterns around the planet.  He marked the motion of the moons in terms of Jupiter Diameters as viewed through his telescope.

Set up a Open Office Calc table with the names of the 4 moons at the top and the dates on the left side.

Gather data for at least 30 days using the Jupiter moon position applet a

Create a x-y scatter graph for each moon.

Hand in with you and your partners' names by the end of the period 

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